First, you need to be responsible for your own actions as a trader or investor. No one is to blame f...
Staying Objective in a Market Filled with Mixed Signals
US stock markets have rallied off of the lows established in the beginning of the month, even after ...
Inflation, Monetary Supply and Recession Explained
The Federal Reserve has been worried about inflation for the last 2 years. What is different now and...
What’s New From DAS – March 2023
Congratulations to our Winter #1 Best Trading Competition Winners! This was an incredible competitio...
The Inflation Roller Coaster Ride Continues to Weigh on the Markets
As the month of February comes to a close, the markets have come well off their highs. Last weekR...
What’s New From DAS – February 2023
Do you have what it takes to show the world you are the #1 Best Trader? It’s not too late to j...
The January Effect
January 2023 can be summed up by one well known market event called the January Effect. Under normal...
What’s New From DAS – January 2023
Announcing the 2023 #1 Best Trader Competition! We are excited to announce the early bird registrati...
Everything You Need to Know About Recessions and the Economic Impact in 2023
In this blog, we’re going to discuss the chances as well as the depth of the expected recession in...
A Deep Dive into Trading Psychology (Part 1)
Cutting losses is the single most important concept in risk management. It’s important for traders...