Counting Rotations and Gauging if the Trend is Still your Friend As a follow up to our previous blog...
Trend Analysis
When considering trend analysis, the first thing every trader needs to remember is that trends and t...
Exploring Trading Demons & How to Overcome Them – Part 2
In our last blog, we discussed the various trading demons that play on our human emotions. This time...
Exploring Trading Demons & How to Overcome Them – Part 1
Every trader that starts out on Wall Street is told to get a copy of the classic Art of War written ...
A Deep Dive into Financial News that Affects the Markets
In our previous blog post, we discussed the differences between global and local news events. Global...
Financial News Events and How they Impact the Markets
Over the last year, it has become increasingly evident that the news and the news cycle play an impo...
Support and Resistance in Trends and Reading Accumulation/Consolidation and Distribution Patterns
Let’s continue with our journey into support and resistance by talking about how it works in the c...
Support and Resistance: How it Parallels with Accumulation and Distribution
We will take an in depth look at How it Parallels with Institutional Accumulation and Distribution a...
Putting the 4 Stages of Market Development together with the 7 Stock Market Patterns/Events
Over the last month we have gone over the 4 stages of market development; the boom bust cycle that r...
The 4 Stages of the Market Cycle: Where We Might be and the Prevailing Emotions for Each Stage
In our previous blog, we explained the 4 components or stages of The Market Cycle, also known as The...